Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is Success The Key Or The Lock

Success is an elusive concept. Defined differently for each person, the word alone stirs in some, vivid imagery and in others, absolute frustration. Here are a few definitions; 
  • the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like
  • a successful performance or achievement.

For those to have a vivid imagination and can see success in the most favorable conditions, then wealth, position, or honors might play into your thoughts, actions, and habits. You see yourself being successful, so you do the things that successful people do to achieve, attain, or realize success.

For those who land on the absolute frustration, perhaps you have attempted success in some areas of your life and your actions did not result in wealth, position, or honors. The performance or achievement did not succeed, in some ways, you saw failure.

For the readers who land in the first camp (vivid imagery) you might see success as the key. In fact, you have collected many keys in your life. Keys which have opened locks that lead to success. Athletics, academics, relationships, finance, business, ministry, teaching, coaching, parenting, these all require something…that elusive mixture of nature and nurture. You have discovered the keys which open the locks. With the opening, you are presented with more options, more experiences, and more chances. As you progress, you store up historical success and apply that experience and confidence to the next series of “life locks” which require keys.

For the readers who land in the second camp, absolute frustration, success can be represented by the lock. A physical representation of “do not enter.” Perhaps you tried to open these locks in the past and you had the wrong keys. Sure these keys have been designed to open OTHER locks, just not the ones you have in front of you. Sports might not have been your thing. Academics; difficult. Relationships; even more challenging that sports or academics. You tried the other areas where successful people opened the locks and determined that you should just play it safe and keep those life locks…LOCKED.


The challenge here is in a one dimensional paradigm of success/failure. Take a piece of paper and draw a horizontal line. On the left side write the word FAILURE, on the right side, SUCCESS. You see, many people define their lives by the single dimension of Failure and Success. Success can be elusive. It can be an addictive drug until itself. Once you succeed in one area, you demand success again and again in other areas, perhaps ALL areas. Success becomes the destination and requires more and more destinations.

Failure on the left hand side is also a measurable point on the horizontal dimension. Failure in one area does not mean failure in all areas. What if you could redefine the word failure? Take Thomas Edison and his ability to redefine failure. When he attempted to create the electric light bulb, he said he did not fail, he discovered 1000 ways it does not work. You see the approach to failure and success is not one dimensional. Do not let these two words prevent you from moving forward.

In the movie; Meet The Robinsons, there is a great scene where the automated peanut butter/jelly mixer does not work. Young Lewis the frustrated inventor volunteers to fit it. Everyone at the dinner table gets excited and offers encouragement. Lewis, confident he has solved the problem, tells them to let’er rip. The machine fails and Lewis is crushed. The Robinson family celebrates Lewis’s failure due to the excitement of trying again and perhaps getting better and better and making it work. Great lesson here about creating an environment where people can attempt and fail, only to be encouraged to try, try, try again!

So, you have a choice. You can view success as the key or the lock. I have attempted both and I choose to collect keys to open locks. If one key does not work, I will find another. I choose to redefine failure as just an event, not the end game.



Honey said...

Definitely success is the key for a contented life. Success is achieved not only by setting a goal, but with the drive called motivation .

Krista B said...

Great article! I find that one of my biggest barriers to success is knowing which doors to open. I know that I am destined to achieve greater things; I just can't seem to make up my mind about which direction to head. As a result of this indecision, I end up in the same place, going nowhere.

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